Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Aftermath

I am the wife of a pretty wonderful husband and the mommy of two sweet little boys.  I am also a teacher, who for most of what I can remember of my life, has been anxious about one thing or another.  As one can imagine, my anxiety kicked into high gear once my first son was born. Being a teacher didn't help much, either.  I was hyper-aware of all developmental milestones.  I worried incessently about EVERYTHING.  I was out of control and irrational.  Then, I got a grip, realized everything was going to be okay, and mellowed out.  When my second son was born, I had a firm grasp on mommyhood and hardly worried at all; until the warning signs started showing up.  My family searched for months for an answer to questions we had.  Finally, on March 26, 2012, we knew the truth; our youngest son was diagnosed with fragile x syndrome.  The news sent our world into a tailspin and rearranged everything we thought we knew about life, our son, our family, and ourselves.  The following meanderings are the aftermath of learning to live and love in my new life.

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